Brant Rant  

As streaming proliferates and traditional television audiences decline, retail marketers like BDAA are anxious to expand reach with CTV/OTT.  The 18-29 audience seems to stream everything!  But fraudulent BOT clicks/impressions, showing ads when TVs aren’t even on and various other “kinks” are making it impossible to deliver provable results with ads on streaming services.  And no, clicks and conversions on a dashboard are not provable results.  Unfortunately, positive metrics do not necessarily translate to sales.  We know.  We’ve been testing OTT for years using unique landing pages, tracking pixels and distinct phone numbers.  As marketers responsible for prudently stewarding client’s ad dollars, we can’t continue blindly buying OTT if it’s not delivering.  The streaming industry needs to fix the system and restore confidence asap.  Or they will push marketers like us, who have to deliver bottom line results, to use other platforms and media. 

Thanks so much to WPP for conducting this study study and continuing to pressure the industry.  And to the Wall Street Journal’s, Suzanne Vrancia and Lillian Rizzo for casting light on the pervasive shadows enveloping the streaming industry.  

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