Shakespeare’s Hamlet was contemplating life versus death when he pondered “to be or not to be.”  Ironically, many attorneys would choose the latter before creating a jingle for their law firm.  But history and science argue in favor of jingles.  Studies show that music stimulates the cerebellum and limbic system more profoundly than mere words.   That’s because music triggers the brain’s pleasure centers, releasing dopamine making us feel happy.  Combine a catchy tune with the warm familiarity of the same jingle repeated hundreds of times per week in TV ads, and a brand suddenly becomes very “sticky.”  But that should come as no surprise.  The world’s most powerful brands have relied on jingles to help them break through for decades.  Remember Oscar Meyer’s “my bologna has a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R”  and Alka Seltzer’s, “Plop plop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is.”  Even PI law firms have relied on jingles.  Cellino & Barnes rode their throwback jingle sound to unrivaled success, becoming so well known, Saturday Night Live parodied them in skits.  However, jingles don’t have to sound like they were created in the 1950s to be effective.  Contemporary jingles break through too.  And isn’t breaking through what it’s all about?  Which brings us to this:  To jingle or not to jingle.  It’s a question only you can answer. 

Mooney Law

Jingle plays off  “Money, Money, Money”. Unprompted, consumers sing the jingle to Mooney attorneys.  

Hawk Law

Client told us to make this jingle break through. Actor concurred, brand took flight.

Loyalty Automotive

Check out the music that’s driving this mega car dealer’s growth.


Custom Music

Country music created in Nashville. Pushed recycling rates up across the U.S.